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OEM parts

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Vehicle type
Atlantic 125-200-250
Produced from 2003 to 2006
Scooter | Aprilia
66 with 1864 products

Atlantic 125-250
Produced from 2006 to 2008
Scooter | Aprilia
67 with 1238 products

Atlantic 300
Produced from 2010 to 2012
Scooter | Aprilia
53 with 817 products

Produced from 2017 to 2017
Motorcycle | Aprilia
65 with 1339 products

Classic 125
Produced from 1995 to 1999
Motorcycle | Aprilia
31 with 896 products

Dorsoduro 1200 (EMEA, APAC, NAFTA) (CND, EU, K, RU, USA, V)
Produced from 2010 to 2015
Motorcycle | Aprilia
60 with 1411 products

ETV 1000 Capo Nord - Rally Capo Nord
Produced from 2004 to 2007
Motorcycle | Aprilia
68 with 1480 products

ETV 1200 Caponord Carabinieri
Produced from 2015 to 2015
Motorcycle | Aprilia
65 with 1305 products

Leonardo 125-150
Produced from 1996 to 1998
Scooter | Aprilia
63 with 1653 products

Leonardo 125-150
Produced from 1999 to 2001
Scooter | Aprilia
58 with 1494 products

Mini RX 50 Experience
Produced from 2003 to 2006
Motorcycle | Aprilia
17 with 319 products

Mojito 50 Custom eng. Piaggio
Produced from 2004 to 2008
Scooter | Aprilia
45 with 793 products

Off Road SX_50 (CH, EU, UK)
Produced from 2014 to 2015
Motorcycle | Aprilia
28 with 682 products

Pegaso 50 GT and LS
Produced from 1992 to 1994
Motorcycle | Aprilia
15 with 530 products

Produced from 2017 to 2017
Motorcycle | Aprilia
54 with 889 products

RS 50
Produced from 1999 to 2005
Motorcycle | Aprilia
50 with 1731 products

RS4 125 4T
Produced from 2011 to 2013
Motorcycle | Aprilia
55 with 1110 products

RS4 50 2T (CH, EU, JP)
Produced from 2014 to 2015
Motorcycle | Aprilia
56 with 878 products

RS4 50 2t
Produced from 2011 to 2013
Motorcycle | Aprilia
55 with 1032 products

RSV 1000 Tuono
Produced from 2002 to 2005
Motorcycle | Aprilia
78 with 2605 products

RSV 4 1000 APRC Factory ABS USA
Produced from 2013 to 2015
Motorcycle | Aprilia
60 with 1427 products

RSV 4 1000 APRC Factory Std SE
Produced from 2011 to 2012
Motorcycle | Aprilia
59 with 1386 products

RSV 4 1000 APRC R
Produced from 2011 to 2012
Motorcycle | Aprilia
58 with 1334 products

Produced from 2018 to 2018
Motorcycle | Aprilia
59 with 1245 products

RSV4 1000 RR (EMEA) (EU, IL)
Produced from 2016 to 2016
Motorcycle | Aprilia
60 with 1222 products

Produced from 2016 to 2016
Motorcycle | Aprilia
61 with 1378 products

RSV4 Kit Engine SBK R 2012-2014 1000
Produced from 2012 to 2014
Motorcycle | Aprilia
10 with 48 products

RXV-SXV 450-550
Produced from 2006 to 2007
Motorcycle | Aprilia
65 with 1759 products

Produced from 2017 to 2018
Motorcycle | Aprilia
53 with 1039 products

Produced from 2019 to 2019
Motorcycle | Aprilia
53 with 1053 products

SR 50 Air 1997-2001
Produced from 1997 to 2001
Scooter | Aprilia
54 with 1267 products

SX 125 E4 (EMEA)
Produced from 2018 to 2020
Motorcycle | Aprilia
39 with 785 products

Produced from 2014 to 2017
Motorcycle | Aprilia
25 with 715 products

Scarabeo 100 4T e3 net
Produced from 2013 to 2013
Scooter | Aprilia
44 with 605 products

Scarabeo 125-200 Light carb.
Produced from 2007 to 2010
Scooter | Aprilia
62 with 1118 products

Scarabeo 400-492-500 Light
Produced from 2006 to 2008
Scooter | Aprilia
58 with 1427 products

Scarabeo 50 2t (eng. Minarelli)
Produced from 2000 to 2001
Scooter | Aprilia
64 with 3351 products

Scarabeo 50 2t e2 (eng. piaggio)
Produced from 2007 to 2008
Scooter | Aprilia
45 with 750 products

Scarabeo 50 4t 2v e2
Produced from 2014 to 2015
Scooter | Aprilia
50 with 1247 products

Shiver 750 PA (AA, JP, MAL, T)
Produced from 2015 to 2015
Motorcycle | Aprilia
59 with 1021 products

Sonic 50 Air
Produced from 1998 to 2007
Motorcycle | Aprilia
47 with 1555 products

Special Tools O RSV 1000 4v 2009
Produced from 2009 to 2012
Accessoires / Gereedschap | Aprilia
7 with 53 products

Special Tools X Standard and Gen.Tools
Produced from 1993 to 2015
Accessoires / Gereedschap | Aprilia
4 with 15 products

Special Tools Y Electronic Tools
Produced from 1998 to 2015
Accessoires / Gereedschap | Aprilia
5 with 22 products

Sport City 125-200-250 e3
Produced from 2006 to 2008
Scooter | Aprilia
68 with 1202 products

Sport City Street 300 4t 4v e3
Produced from 2012 to 2015
Scooter | Aprilia
54 with 766 products

Produced from 2018 to 2018
Motorcycle | Aprilia
58 with 1146 products

Produced from 2018 to 2018
Motorcycle | Aprilia
57 with 1149 products

Tuono V4 1100 Factory USA-CND (NAFTA) (CND, USA)
Produced from 2016 to 2016
Motorcycle | Aprilia
60 with 1153 products

Tuono V4 1100 RR (USA-CND) USA-CND
Produced from 2016 to 2016
Motorcycle | Aprilia
59 with 1150 products



Het begin van Aprilia

Aprilia is een Italiaans motor bedrijf, en is één van de merken die eigendom zijn van Piaggio. Aprilia werd opgericht na de Tweede Wereldoorlog door Cavaliere Alberto Beggio. Aprilia is begonnen met het produceren van fietsen in een fabriek in Noale, Italië in de provincie Venetië.

Aprilia begon als een fabrikant van fietsen, dan is het verplaatst naar de productie scooters en kleine capaciteit motorfietsen. De eerste productie Aprilia bromfietsen werden de Colibrì, Daniela en Packi genoemd. Aprilia produceerde later in 1970 een motocrossfiets genaamd de Scarabeo. De scarabeo werd geproduceerd tot het eind van de jaren 1970. De Scarabeo werd geproduceerd in 50 en 125 cc versies.


Born to race

Aprilia is geboren in de racerij met 294 GP-zeges in het WK wegrace. Aprilia is de recordhouder van alle Europese motorfabrikanten in de geschiedenis van de top van de motorracerij. Hierbij heeft Aprilia een indrukwekkend aantal van 54 wereldtitels op haar naam geschreven:

  • 38 titles in de GP wegrace waarvan 20 in de 125cc-klasse en 18 titels In de 250cc, 7 titels in de Superbikes (dubbele overwinningen in 2010, 2012 en 2014 in het rijders- en constructeurskampioenschap en het constructeurskampionschap in 2013)
  • 9 wereldtitels in offroaddisciplines (7 in Supermotard en 2 in Trail).

In December 2004 sloot Aprilia zich aan en werd deel van de Piaggio groep. Hierna werd de raceafdeling in Noale gereorganiseerd. Hierna haalde het merk weer nieuwe overwinningen in de wegrace-WK' s en verbreedde de horizon. Er volgde een terugkeer naar de offroad disciplines, het WK rally en het debuut van de Aprilia RSV4 in het WK Superbikes, in 2009.


Bijeenkomsten en jong talent

In dezelfde periode had Aprilia al 28 wereldtitels en een ontelbare hoeveelheid nationale en Europese titels op haar naam staan. Elk weekend komen Aprilia motoren overal ter wereld op nationale en lokale circuits aan de start. Ze geven motorrijders de mogelijkheid hun racepassie te vervullen en bieden race-ervaring aan jonge rijders die voorbestemd zijn om de wereld van de wereldkampioenschappen te betreden.

OEM / Replacement parts
Original Enterprise Manufacturer (OEM) also known as Genuine / Original replacemenet parts.
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  • Gemakkelijk online bestellen
  • Ale je vervangings onderdelen bij een leverancier
  • Professioneel verpakt en verzonden.

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